Dear valued Business Partner,
today we want to give you an update about the current supply situation at MPK Kemmer caused by the impact of the COVID-19 virus.
We are in ongoing and close contact with our business partners in Asia. Our partner Topoint Technology in Shanghai has resumed operations after Feb. 10th, 2020 and is gradually ramping up the production in China. It is expected to be back at 100% capacity in March 2020. Our business partner Topoint Taiwan has continued to produce without any restrictions.
MPK compensates for the reduced delivery quantities from China through its own production in Schwäbisch Gmünd. Our supply of raw material and finished tools is currently secured until the mid of May 2020. The extent to which we can meet our delivery obligations beyond this point depends on the further developments. But our long term supply contracts have been confirmed by all our Asian suppliers without any restriction.
A significant outbreak of the COVID-19 virus in Taiwan or in our own plant in Germany would inevitably lead to delivery restrictions. To avoid any risk at our plant MPK has taken all recommended measures (e.g. from the RKI*) to prevent the virus from spreading in our company. Additionally our management has decided to cancel all business trips in the coming weeks and also we will delay all scheduled visits in our company for the same time.
In case of any significant changes of this concerning situation we will inform accordingly. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us.
* The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) is the government`s central scientific institution in the field of biomedicine. It is one of the most important bodies für safeguarding of public health in Germany.