Successful auditing according to DIN EN ISO 14001:2015

Posted on 23. July 2021 · Posted in Allgemein

Since 2002 we are certified according to DIN EN ISO 9001:2008 and since 2017 we meet the requirements of the Peak Efficiency Scheme Ordinance (SpaEfV), which confirms the continuous improvement of our energy efficiency. Now, for the first time, MPK Kemmer GmbH PCB Tools has been audited and certified according to the requirements of the DIN EN ISO 14001:2015 standard (environmental management).

“The successful auditing confirms our long-standing commitment to efficient and environmentally friendly use of energy and resources. We are now pleased to be able to confirm our energy and environmental awareness with this certification,” says owner and managing director Florian Kemmer.


MPK Kemmer GmbH PCB Tools develops, produces and trades tungsten carbide tools for the PCB industry. At the location in Schwäbisch Gmünd, we currently manufacture approx. 1.8 million routers / end mills and 4.8 million drills per year. With continuous investments in the modernization and expansion of our production capacity, we are one of the last remaining producers of PCB drills, routers and special tools in Germany.